Who the F is that in your profile pic?
i love naps (:˒[ ̄]
i make cartoons! theres some NSFW content here too, be warned will ya
Joined on 3/17/12
Who the F is that in your profile pic?
Broh, I been liek watchin since liek jewish vampire on icez. Ermahgerd, everyone liek, gave nasty reviews back den. yeyelolidk
yea i still kinda suck to this day tho so not much has changed <3
Hey. Just watching my little pony. I MEAN... SpongeBob.
Makin sweet love to an albino midget
Probably past due for me to say this, but I just noticed that you responded to my review on your Simpsons animation and I made a grave mistake in the review, which I accidentally referred to the animation as being "incomplete". I was referring to how the animation (before it was fixed) accidentally had the stage lower than it needed to be, revealing the bottom portion of the characters, which I though was intentional at the time and I had written the review a few days later and did not see the animation (or it's description) for the correction. I know it's been a while since I've written that review, but I just wanted to post this message just for clarity on what I meant by "incomplete animation" (which it obviously wasn't). Apologies if this message is too wordy. In response to your entry, it's all fine :P.
yeyeyeye i fixed it after u said it
u dead already?
Just got done sieg heiling.
I got a huge folder of top secret AlxShaun Hentai Yaoi XXX on my computer, oh wait wrong page this is speedos NG????????? OH FU
All your base are belong to us.
You have no chance to survive make your time.
where are u boi ?
Playing le Pokemans C:
I Luv Ur Video Clips On Youtube I Liek To Watch Dem All The Time ^3^
eating sausages and wearing a speedo
Aw man dude, I hope you're gonna make something about Google+. That shit really fucked over everything.
You're a faggot.
Not sure if should comment :U How's the family?
i mis u
im here ;_______________________________<
Im in you're closet.