You will not be forgotten, Buzz Aldrin <3
i love naps (:˒[ ̄]
i make cartoons! theres some NSFW content here too, be warned will ya
Joined on 3/17/12
But in all seriousness when I was a kid he inspired me and im sure a lot of other kids of america too ( dont even go there russia) so he will be missed <3 8======D *slurp
Wow. He's dead. Never really thought about him, but I suppose that I should at least say that he will be missed, and that my condolences go out to his family and friends.
neil armstrong died
not buzz aldrin
I want to be an astronaut when I grow up.
You're gonna' be a pornstar when you grow up with that dick <3
i thought he died like 10 years ago turns out that was either the bike rider or my imaginary friend
You are a sad strange little man.
yeeeeah brah
Make an animated flash about him. :P
whos neil armstrong????
Better yet whos Buzz Aldrin... Sorry i'm retarded... wutz 2+2..? dah world may nevah know...
RIP Neil Armstrong
You were amazing at the trumpet.
That was LANCE Armstrong, silly
That sack of shit moon probably won't even come to his funeral.
FUCKING i want to have sex with him now!!
To Infinity & beyond man "sniff sniff" sorry I was snorting coke for a second
whoever does not know Buzz Aldrin is a idiot... IMO.....
worse yet, Neil Armstrong.