Weird as hell, but hilarious. Only problem I can see is that given the angle the drivers head is at, I think his ear should be a bit lower down.
Weird as hell, but hilarious. Only problem I can see is that given the angle the drivers head is at, I think his ear should be a bit lower down.
completely right, ill keep it in mind
his entire ear-like entity seems like it was an envoy from space, you know? there's no what that thing on the side of his head has anything to do with human anatomy
gah there's so much wrong with this picture
I paffed. I paffed so hard.
I watched you paff.
It was good paff
suggoi!!! she's too kawaii, sensei!!! thanks so much man, aha, when I said draw this guy I meant it as a joke but now that I see it... âTM¥âEU¿âTM¥
dam you NewGrounds no text bug! i shall get you....somehow!
lol I was staring at his face for ages all like "where the fuck have I seen that face before, its familiar..." DO MOAR ORIGINAL FACES PL0X
But yeah other than that I like this. I like his dick hole and the name you gave him
hey speedosausage aww man, im a fan of your cartoons and i was looking through all ur videos. ur cartoon gave me the inspiration to draw something well....randomly retarded face, but i still got a long way to go
thanks man glad u like it :D
Great job, I faved this a few days ago but just had another look, saw that amazing review down below and had to comment on it: LOL!
I don't really see what could be considered "disturbing" about this pic? A grown up girl? THATS WHAT YOU HAVE TO LOOK FORWARD TO, KIDDO! But yeah, the mature and adult art section isn't really for 10 year old girls... Newgrounds in general isn't really for 10 year old girls either lol
Thanks man :). That comment made me laugh like hell ^^
lol that was beautifully unexpected. Hilarious, but amazingly drawn as well, good job! You have another fan ;)
i love naps (:˒[ ̄]
i make cartoons! theres some NSFW content here too, be warned will ya
Joined on 3/17/12